Instrumentation Physics

surface science, nano/molecular electronics, field electron emission
Ultimate measurements and control of surfaces and interfaces of nano- and molecularelectronics materials by means of molecular beam scattering techniques and scanning probe microscopy.

protein solution, protein folding
Control of protein folding and development for novel nanobiomaterial.

Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM), secondry electron, electron-matter interaction
Development of material characterization techniques using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Angle & energy resolved secondary electron (SE) detection for SE spectroscopy

electron source, electron optics, electron-beam/solid interaction, scanning electron microscope
Studies of electron optics and electron-beam/solid interaction. Proposal of new scanning electron microscope.

Condensed matter theory, Solid state physics, Computational materials science
Condensed matter theory. Computational materials science. Density functional theory for nonequilibrium systems. Theory of charge, heat, and spin transport in nanoscale systems.

Visualization of Local Field, Carbon-nano-material, Catalytic Reaction
Material science and engineering with electron and ion-beam induced excitation for creating carbon based new functional structure, exploring solid state physics, and electronic device application.

Surface science, Organic/hydrogen nanotechnology, Self organization
Basic researches on next-generation materials in organic and hydrogen nanotechnology. Nanoscale engineering utilizing self-organization phenomena.

Associate Professor
Theory of condensed matter, Computational physics, Quantum transport simulation
Development of simulation methodology based on quantum theory for charge transport, thermal transport, and thermoelectric properties of materials, and its application to material development.

Associate Professor
Nanoporous materials, graphene, energy device
Development of novel metal/carbon nanoporous materials for realizing sustainable societies and creation of new energy devices

Associate Professor
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Hardware development, Software development
Development of novel NMR imaging systems and new applications in NMR imaging.

Structure and electronic state study of hydrogen storage metals and metalloprotein by high energy ion beam and synchrotron radiation.

Assistant Professor
synchrotron radiation, nanocarbon material, microscopy imaging.
Development of synchrotron radiation techniques for observing dynamic structural change of non-Newtonian fluid. Synthesizing and measuring physical properties of nanocarbon materials.

Assistant Professor
enzyme activation, liquid-liquid phase separation, metabolon
Research on measuring biomolecular functions, structures, interactions, and assembly states in solutions, aiming to understand how efficient biochemical reactions proceed in vivo and their practical applications in vitro.

Assistant Professor
insulator, high voltage, vacuum, discharge
Evaluation of improved electrical insulator materials for electron guns with high acceleration voltages. Fundamental studies of surface flashover and charging on insulators in vacuum.

Assistant Professor
Electron microscopy, in situ observation, carbon materials
Development of a time-resolved electron microscopy technique to observe dynamic property changes in non-Newtonian fluids

Assistant Professor
Surface Science, Electron Emission, Electron Sources
Study of surface science of novel electron source materials for next generation electron microscopes

Assistant Professor
Surface science, organic molecular thin film, electronic structure
Experimental studies for the electronic property of organic semiconductor thin film using surface science technique. Nano structure measurement using scanning probe microscope and electronic state measurement using synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy.

Assistant Professor
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), secondary electron, electron-matter interaction, surface discharge
Physics of secondary electron image formation in scanning electron microscope (SEM). Studies of surface discharge in vacuum.